Personal Development at The Grange covers PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic), SRE (Relationships, Sex Education) and SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social, And Cultural). Personal development is not just a subject, but a part of our daily school life and ethos, The Grange Way.
At the Grange Community Primary School the intent of the Personal Development curriculum is that it is accessible to all and will maximise the outcomes for every child. The children will be able to see Personal development linked in every subject, and therefore understand it’s importance within their learning. We want every child at The Grange to be happy, healthy, responsible, and independent members of our ever-changing society.
The curriculum helps them to understand how they are changing physically, personally, and socially. It tackles many of the moral, social, and cultural issues that are a part of growing up and becoming an inclusive member of their community and the wider world.
Our children will clearly understand their rights and responsibilities and appreciate what that means to be a member of a diverse society. They will cover issues that effect everyone, but also specific issues that their local community face, so they can make choices that keep them, and others around them safe.
Personal development teaches our children about relationships, emotions, reproduction, and health, as well as transferable skills to help them navigate their way through life. We consistently promote British values, not only through the curriculum, assembles, and class discussions but also daily through our school ethos and The Grange Way.
Most importantly our personal development curriculum must give children their voice; to be able to enable them to become proactive and well-rounded citizens.
At the Grange our intent is for every child to leave our school confident, unique, and proud.
We use assemblies, circle times, class discussions, themed days, and our school ethos; The Grange Way to promote the importance of British Values across the school. We have student ambassadors who promote the importance of mental health/well-being and anti-bullying across the school and work directly with their peers. They lead on organising Anti-bullying week and our annual Make me Smile Day.
We ensure that Personal Development is taught right across the school starting from Reception with them covering personal, social, and emotional development (early learning goals), and building on that learning each year all the way to Year 6.
We facilitate Personal Development at The Grange by following SCARF (safety, caring, achievement, resilience, friendship) and SCIB (safeguarding children in Banbury). Personal development is a set weekly lesson in each class across the school with additional time scheduled for circle times, where personalised topics that are relevant to our school and community can be covered and dealt with in more depth.
At The Grange we have Personal Development days termly, each term has a different focus, and we use this time to tackle any issues or topics the children have said they would like to learn more about with regards to their personal development. We also use this time to learn about personal development through other areas of the curriculum e.g., through maths and English, so that our children can see the common thread, and see that PD is at the heart of everything we do.
Because of a strong culture of ‘self’, children are resilient, they thrive and make great contributions in all aspects of life inside and outside of school.
The Grange Way is the ‘heartbeat’ and glue of our school; it is embedded into the daily life of our community and navigates the school successfully. Because of it they show kind, respectful, and inclusive behaviour. They can talk about the importance of being an individual and how we should treat everyone equally regardless of their culture, ethnicity, or faith.
Through their ‘voice’ our children can demonstrate that they know how to keep themselves physically and emotionally safe – showing confidence in recognising and reporting anything or anyone that could make them unsafe.
As a result of the personal development curriculum, our children can talk about their rights and their responsibilities towards school, our local community and the wider world.
Because of the broad range of activities and importance of Personal Development at our school, children know the importance of keeping healthy and that emotional and physical health are both equally important. They can talk confidently about ways in which they can keep their minds and body healthy, and what life choices could put their health at risk.
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