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As a local authority school, we are legally required to follow the guidelines set down by Oxfordshire's admission policy. Please see the following link to their website for more information.

The majority of pupils who attend The Grange Community Primary School live in the Cherwell Heights/Bodicote Chase development. Pupils from the Longford Park development and other areas of Banbury also attend our school.

The Grange can admit up to 45 children in every year group from F2 to Year 6. Children who live in the catchment area are allocated places until the admission limit in each year is reached. If there are not enough children living in the catchment area to fill all the places, children from outside the catchment area can be allocated a place.

Parents can appeal to the Local Authority when a year group is full. The Authority can direct the school to exceed its admission number and allocate a place. Before doing this, the Authority will consult with the Headteacher and governors to assess the impact on the school of exceeding the admission number, the needs of the child and whether the child could be accommodated at another school. Any parent wishing to make an appeal should contact the school office for information on how to proceed.

Parents can apply for a school place online at Please remember that it is the responsibility of parents/carers to apply for a school place. Parents have the opportunity to list three different preferences for a school place and it is strongly advised that all three preferences are used.

Here are some common questions parents sometimes ask in connection with admissions:


When do I have to apply for a place for our child?

You must make an application for your child to start primary school for the first time in the Autumn Term after your child's third birthday.


Could we come and look around The Grange Community Primary School before we apply for a place for our child?

We would be very happy to give you a tour of our school and arrange for you to meet our Headteacher, Bev Boswell, so that you can learn more about it. Please phone the school office on 01295 257861 and speak to one of our office team to make an appointment.


You are about to make a most important family decision, and we believe it essential that you visit any school you are considering for your child.


If you live outside the catchment area, you are still welcome to visit us. However, we advise you to visit your own catchment area school as well.


How do I apply for a place at The Grange Community Primary School?

The local authority (LA) administers all admissions for primary school places. Applications for the Foundation Stage or for other year group transfers can be completed online.


What happens if I move into the area and I would like my child to attend The Grange Community Primary School?

We are very happy to admit children into the school at any stage in their primary education if a place is available. Applications for a place need to be made through the Local Authority. Please contact the School Office on 01295 257861 to make an appointment to meet Bev Boswell, Headteacher, and tour the school.

How are places at the school decided?

The LA allocates school places. Catchment area is one way that places are decided. Other factors include whether a child has a brother or sister at the school or whether they have special educational needs. The Admission Rules available on the Oxfordshire County Council website give more detail about how places are decided.


What happens if there are too many applications?

Specific criteria published by the LA apply to the allocation of places in an oversubscribed school. These are included in the booklet "Starting School," which is available online. Parents have the right to appeal if their request for a place is turned down—full details are available on the County Council website.

What dates should I be aware of?

Parents or carers of children born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021 (inclusive) must apply for a primary or infant school place for their children. 

The deadline for receipt of completed school applications is 15 January 2025.

If your application is late, it will be processed later in the year, and you are far less likely to get a place at one of your preferred schools


  • 4th November 2024 Applications open

  • 15th January 2025 Closing date for applications

  • 16 April 2025 - allocation day: letters sent (by second class post) and emails sent detailing the offer of a school place

  • 30 April 2025- deadline for submitting response form, continued interest forms, late applications and changes of preference

  • 6 June 2025 - Second Allocation Day

  • 20th June 2025 - Deadline to respond to offers

  • September 2025 – Start of the school year

Can I appeal if my child is not offered a place?

Yes, you have the right to appeal to a local appeals committee if the LA refuses your application for a place for your child. Details of how to do this will be sent when the LA notifies you of places.

When will my child start school?

Children are offered full-time places in September of the school year of their fifth birthday. Parents can elect to defer a Reception place until the child turns 5 years old.

What happens before my child starts school?

Our aim is to make your child's entry to school as happy and confident as possible. Children are invited to attend the Reception Stage Class for two-morning sessions toward the end of the Summer Term to meet staff and other children and to familiarise themselves with their new surroundings. Parents are invited to attend meetings with teachers and an Induction Evening to meet key staff, find out about routines and the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum, and have any questions answered

Any children joining in other year groups will be invited to visit for either a whole or half-day prior to starting to familiarise themselves with our school.

Apply for a school place | Oxfordshire County Council

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