Parents as Partners
NB The Grange has worked within the Government COVID guidelines when welcoming parents into school from 2020 – to date
We welcome working in partnership with our parents and carers to achieve the best for our children. We operate an open door policy that encourages our parents into school to talk to us about their children
Every morning the school gates open at 8.30m and all class teachers and Senior Leaders are available on the classroom doors as a point of access to set up times to meet, catch up about things that have happened or discuss upcoming events such as trips, assemblies or experiences.
Ofsted Parent View gives you the chance to tell us what you think about your child’s school. Parent View asks for your opinion on twelve aspects of your child’s school, from the quality of teaching, to dealing with bullying and poor behaviour. Ofsted uses the information to find out parents and carers views of the school.
Welcome to Ofsted Parent View | Ofsted Parent View
Through our digital communications app Parent Hub we provide our parents with up to date information about all events trips, letters and other aspects of school life. The app is free to download and allows all attachments and information to be stored in one place. Parents are offered support on how to install and use the App.
Come to school with your child
Parents are invited to come and take an active part in their child/rens lessons termly. This allows the children to share their learning whilst giving parents and insight into the teaching methods used to support learning. 10 parents visit a class during these sessions and the focus changes each term.
Open Afternoons
Parents are invited to attend Open Afternoons at the end of each term. Each class shares their learning from throughout the term and presents a ‘grand finale’ e.g. a presentation, a show, a café or art gallery. Children share their books with parents and can have a discussion with class teachers. This provides a great opportunity to celebrate the terms work.
Sports Days
At the end of each year, we invite parents to attend the Grange Sports Day where they have the opportunity to follow their child/ren’s team around a range of sporting activities. After a whole school picnic and family BBQ, parents love to watch the competitive individual races.
The Grange C.P School - Photos | Facebook
Whole School Productions
Throughout the year parents are invited to come and watch a performance by the children. These may be linked to learning within the class, class novels or religious festivals.
The Lion King
The Grange C.P School - Photos | Facebook
Lights Camel Action
The Grange C.P School - Photos | Facebook
Mrs Clutterbook's War
The Grange C.P School - Photos | Facebook
Parent Feedback