“Teachers use assessment to check pupils’ understanding in order to inform teaching. When used effectively, assessment helps pupils to embed knowledge and use it fluently, and assists teachers in producing clear next steps for pupils.” (Ofsted 2019)
Assessment is formative, diagnostic, summative and evaluative and an integral part of all teaching and learning activities at The Grange.
Our assessment framework links numerical data to a series of ‘can do’ statements which a child is expected to achieve by the end of each year group, and ensures consistent and accurate judgements are made about children's progress and attainment. Moderation is an important part of how we use and validate assessment in school. Our work will incorporate the following agreed principles of assessment:
Assessment provides evidence to guide teaching and learning
Assessment is fair, inclusive and free from bias
Assessment outcomes are conveyed in an open and transparent way
Assessment objectives set high expectations for learners
Assessment is appropriate to age, to the task and to the desired feedback information
Assessment should draw on a wide range of evidence
Assessment is consistent, with judgements which can be moderated to ensure accuracy
Assessment outcomes provide meaningful and understandable information
This information is communicated to parents during parents’ evenings, through the sharing of children’s targets and through the annual report to parents.
School is required to assess the children's progress in relation to the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile and National Curriculum Targets of Attainment throughout Key Stages One and Two. A variety of methods are used to collect the assessment information. These vary from simple discussion and questioning during lessons, to specific assessment tasks and standardised tests in a range of subject areas.
Standard Assessments (SATs)
These nationally prescribed tests are completed by the children towards the end of Key Stages 1 and 2 in Years 2 and 6. The results of these tests, along with teacher assessments, are given to the parents/carers of these children in their end of year reports. The end of Key Stage 2 SATs tests take place in May for Year 6 pupils.
National curriculum assessments: practice materials - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
The phonic screening takes place in June in Year 1. Pupils complete a ‘Phonic Screening check’ which assesses their understanding of and use of phonics (the sounds made by letters and how these are put together in reading and writing). Pupils who do not ‘meet the standard’ required are assessed again in Year 2 after further phonics teaching.
Phonics screening check: sample materials and training video - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
At the end of the Reception Year, pupils’ achievements are assessed using The Early Years Foundation Stage framework sets the standards to make sure that children aged from birth to 5 learn and develop well and are kept healthy and safe. These assessments are reported to parents in the end of year reports.
Reports on Pupil's Progress
Teachers are always happy to discuss children’s progress during the school year, as well as at the more formal parent interviews 3 times per year. Reports are written on all children and given to their parents/carers, near the end of the summer term.